There Are Only 3 Beliefs Holding You Back

Your current results are a direct reflection of your belief systems.

That means the amount of money you have in your bank account today is due to a culmination of your beliefs around money that you’ve held for the last 6 days, 6 weeks, 6 months, 6 years, your whole life…

Beliefs like “should I save my money or spend it”, “should I invest or not”, “should I go all in on my business or do it part time”, or “should I work out or skip it”, or “what’s healthy or unhealthy”or “is this really even going to work?”

Relationships, too. “Should I be in one or not”, “what should I accept in this relationship and what shouldn’t I accept in this relationship”

If you aren’t happy with your current results, here’s my suggestion:

Identify and change your limiting beliefs.

Luckily, there’s really only 3 types of limiting beliefs; hopeless, helpless, and worthless.

Hopeless Beliefs are the ones where somebody says “Just shut up, Andy. Nobody can make money in this economy. Nobody can build a business in this situation.
Relationships never last anyways.
My genetics won’t allow me to get in shape.
This is bullshit, it can’t be done!”

Helpless Beliefs are when someone says, “Easy for you to say. Andy can do it because he had a better idea.
They have more money than me.
They have more time than me.
They have less kids than me.
They have more hair than me.
That’s why THEY can do it and I can’t!”

Worthless Beliefs are where someone says, “Fine, fine. You’re right. Everybody can make money. Everyone can have a long-lasting loving relationship. Everyone can have a great body… but if I’m being honest with you, man… I just don’t think I deserve it. I don’t think I’m worth it. I don’t think if I made that money, I’d be able to keep it. I don’t think if I got into that relationship, I could ever make them stay.”

Can you see how devastating this psychology and these beliefs could be to someone’s life and business?

My question for you is which one of these beliefs are really holding you back? …And are they really true?

A belief is simply a feeling of absolute certainty you have about something.

If you didn’t have certainty about that belief… you wouldn’t believe it! You just feel like it’s true. (And man it really does FEEL real, doesn’t it?)

To change a limiting belief, simply start by figuring out what the belief is, then create doubt in it. Ask the question “is this belief really true?” and “are there examples of someone in my situation that made it work anyways?” or “have I even succeeded at this in the past and maybe I’m just overthinking it, now?”

As an example… before I got into online marketing I truly believed only super smart tech geeks were able to make money online. Then, while doing some online research I began to discover how ordinary people were living their dreams working from home and making a good living.

Discovering that created a shift in my mindset.

What is it for you? What shifted? What changed?

Some Popular Beliefs:

I thought you had to be really smart to own a business.
I thought you had to be rich to start a business
I used to avoid doing difficult work. I didn’t know that the work is the reward.
Rich people are corrupt.
I could never be rich.
I don’t have anything to contribute.
I’ll always struggle.
I’m not good with money.

Here’s an intense question for you… “Why don’t you already have all that you have always wanted? What’s holding you back?”

If you are struggling with your beliefs then maybe this will help….

1. What’s an area of your life you’re doing well in… why? What makes you good in that area? How do you think about it? What habits or routines have you built? (You’ll find some empowering beliefs)

2. What’s an area of your life you’re NOT thrilled in… why? What stops you from making progress? What has to be done in order to progress? What are you not doing or following through on? Why? (You’ll find some limiting beliefs)

Whenever we find ourselves feeling helpless or unable to improve a situation, it’s because we have fallen into learned helplessness.

  1. PERVASIVE: We think that because our finances are destroyed that our whole life is ruined. It’s not true, we have our health, our relationships, and tons of other things. It’s not pervasive, but sometimes we react as if it is.
  2. PERMANENT: No problem is permanent. When things are good we think they will be good forever. When things are bad, we feel like it will be bad forever. Neither one is true. Life has seasons. We ALL go through Winters and we all eventually get to Spring. Nothing is permanent, life is constant change.
  3. PERSONAL: We think it’s us. If we were smarter, prettier, stronger, if we lived over there, if we had this family, if we were taller, thinner, richer, then we wouldn’t be in this situation. We all do this. We take it personally and think that somehow, if we were XYZ (good enough) we would magically not have these “problems”. It’s not you, it’s not personal. Problems are a part of life. (Suffering is optional)

Important Question

What if — just for a second — you thought the opposite of each of these beliefs? Are there plenty of references and evidence to support the opposite?

Maybe This Will make More Sense

You have two parts of your brain active here…

1. You have the lizard brain, or if you prefer, the dark brain. That part wants you to be comfortable, to be safe, to be normal, to not stand out, stand up, or be seen. It wants you to shut up and get back in line. It wants you to wait to be picked, it wants you to put it off until tomorrow, it wants you to ask, “what’s the use?”

2. The more modern part of your brain, let’s call that the more modern logical part, the good, whatever. It yearns to be free. To be truly yourself. To be unique, and to have great experiences. To be excellent. To engage in something bigger than yourself. To push yourself to the limit to see just what you really are capable of.

This part of your brain isn’t active that often, since most days we are on autopilot. Much easier for the lizard to keep you entrenched in your soul crushing routine.


Comfort will ruin you.
Surrender the outcome.
Do the uncomfortable.

The greatest maturity of life is to be happy and grateful for what we have, yet still hungry for more. By Jim Rohn

1 Comment
  1. WOW! I have been struggling to make money online for so long, I have wondered if I simply can’t (for whatever reason). I know I’m smart enough and I do quality work, but somehow I have some psycho issues working against me. I don’t do IM, I do coloring books, puzzle books, and other POD, but I seem to not ever put enough attention to the task long enough to finish. I have always blamed my ADHD and information oveload, but have worn out that excuse. I will reread your thoughts tomorrow and maybe take out a pencil and paper and really cogitate on the above. Thank you

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